Welcome to Sujung’s Website!

Sujung is a postdoctoral scholar in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Santa Cruz (UCSC), working as a member of Rolandi Group with professor Marco Rolandi. Her interests are in flexible electronics, quantum biosensors, biomimetic sensors.

During her PhD, she studied coupled quantum system of magnon-phonon in a CoFe Nanomagnet, magnetization dynamics in Heusler alloy/CoFe film, patterning & magnetoransport characterization in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs), nano-patterning on epitaxially grown magnetic thin films, and helicity-dependent all-optical switching (HD-AOS) in TbFe thin film, as a member of Applied Optics Group with professor Holger Schmidt.

Before starting her PhD program at UCSC, Sujung studied synthesis/growth mechanism and optical properties of GeS twisted plates at UC Berkeley with professor Jie Yao as a visiting student scholar, and she earned her B.S. and M.S. in Physics at Ewha Womans University in Korea, specializing light confinement in Si nanostructures via Mie resonance and Plasmonic effect.

Besides doing research, Sujung also enjoys surfing, swimming and playing tennis.

Collaborators and Acknowledgement for Sujung’s research for her Ph.D.


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